KÖLNER LISTE • The Fair for Contemporary Art, Cologne

Save the date • KÖLNER LISTE 2018 | April 20th to 22nd, 2018 | Opening: April 19th, 2018 | XPOST in Cologne


April 28th to 30th, 2017 | Opening: April 27th, 2017 | XPOST in Cologne | Gladbacher Wall 5, 50670 Cologne

Dedicated to contemporary art, KÖLNER LISTE occupies the principal art week in Cologne. k2s video In parallel with Art Cologne, the halls of XPOST Köln will be filled with art from April 28th to 30th 2017.

The fourth edition of KÖLNER LISTE is designed to inspire and engage, inciting the discovery of new names and artworks. Addressing both new and experienced collectors, the fair will showcase a wide spectrum of emerging contemporary art at affordable prices. With an extraordinary selection of galleries, KÖLNER LISTE aims to become one of the most interesting art events to follow as one of the most progressive art fairs in Germany.

Art lovers see KÖLNER LISTE as an ideal extension to Art Cologne, a place where their view of the contemporary scene is broadened and their collecting possibilities expand. Clad in the friendly and communicative atmosphere, the organizers invites all visitors to enter the dialogue with artists and gallerists and to connect with the international art community. The stimulating environment of KÖLNER LISTE is where many new artistic relationships blossom, and where experienced collectors and first-time buyers can spot and buy original art for their home or office.

The diversity of artistic objects and media is another feature of this art show, ranging from large-scale canvasses to miniature editions. With painting being only one of the mediums present at the KÖLNER LISTE, visitors will be presented with works of sculpture, graphic prints, mixed media, installations, video art and even performance. Notable highlights of the exhibition will be sections dedicated to Photography and Urban Art, each specially curated for the fair.

Next to the variety of art, the quality of works presented is as equally important to the KÖLNER LISTE team. Imbued with the abundance of styles and visual expressions, the art Cologne public will see at the exhibition is carefully selected by the gallerists especially for this occasion. Many of the artworks that had the KÖLNER LISTE debut later found their way into world-renowned art spaces around the world.

Spanning across the 4000 sqm of the historic XPOST venue, the fair will introduce new art Cologne hasn’t seen before, serving as the hub for all contemporary art enthusiasts. The late 19th-century industrial halls of the locale serve as the perfect setting for the exhibition and its program. In addition to art presentations, the Liste will organize various educational programs for artists and art professionals, as well as workshops and guided tours.

KÖLNER LISTE is more than an art fair in Cologne. It is a place of immersion into the art world, an event to connect with art professionals and dealers and meet artists in person, and a market for some of the most inventive high-quality affordable art.

We at KÖLNER LISTE look forward to presenting you with another unique art-viewing experience, hoping to encourage your collector’s spirit to act!


    Würde es die Kölner Liste nicht schon geben, dann müsste man sie erfinden.
    kunst:art, April 2016
    …nach den drei tollen Tagen im Carlswerk ist klar, mit über siebentausend Kunstinteressierten, Sammlern und Multiplikatoren hat sich die Messe, die zeitgleich zur Art Cologne stattfand, als neues Kunstmesseformat im Rheinland etabliert.
    choices, Juni 2016
    Kein Zweifel, die kleine Schwester der Berliner Liste bietet ein inspirierendes Reizgewitter
    Kölner Rundschau, 15.04.2016
    Die Besucher der ersten zwei Messen waren jedenfalls hellauf begeistert und konstatierten: Eine rundum gelungene Plattform für neue Namen und Galerien – und junge und junggebliebene Kunstliebhaber.
    choices, März 2016
    Ein weiterer Trumpf ist das sympathische Auftreten des Teams, das sich vom selbstherrlichen und manchmal auch arroganten Gehabe mancher Messeverantwortlicher wohltuend abhebt.
    kunst:art, 03.04.2016
    Der Kölner Kunstfrühling hat ein neues Must-See.
    Kulturletter Köln, April 2015
    Neben der Möglichkeit spannender Entdeckungen punktet die Messe mit einem hochmotivierten und stets gut gelaunten Team, das jedem gerne weiterhilft.
    Kunnst, August 2015
    Im Mülheimer DOCK.ONE steigt parallel zur Art Cologne (Bild berichtete) die viel aufregendere Parallel-Messe Kölner Liste.
    BILD Köln, 17.4.2015
    Freude am Werk als beste Dividende: Die Entdeckermesse „Kölner Liste“ versteht sich als Ergänzung zur Art Cologne.
    Kölnische Rundschau, 16.4.2015
    We are more than satisfied with the fair, the very good visitor demographics and pleasant atmosphere. We sold five pieces by our emerging artist Constantin Schröder totalling 40,000 euro.
    Gallery owner Dennis Reinhard, Galerie CC&A aus Hamburg, 2014 exhibitor
    A visit to this fair of art exploration will certainly lend to new perspectives and insights.
    Stadtrevue | April 2014
    We are more than satisfied after taking the chance of appearing at a new art exhibition. Thanks to the fair we have sold two large works and got to know new, young collectors.
    Gallery owner Peter Klose, Essen
    Following the Berliner Liste tradition, the Kölner format positions itself as a small, perfectly formed forum for fresh, contemporary art with high collectors‘ potential.
    Stadtzauber | March/April 2014
    There was unbelievable interest in the work of my emerging Romanian artists. Works by Ștefan Radu Crețu and Cristian Raduta have gone tot he hands of serious collectors. We were so impressed by the building, lighting and atmosphere at the KÖLNER LISTE and hope the fair will grow next year.
    Gallery owner Dr. Joana Evers, 418 Contemporary Art Gallery, Bucharest, 2014 exhibitor
    The Kölner Liste is a great opportunity to meet young, fresh artists. From the years of experience in Berlin, it’s a show with much know-how and an exciting location to match.
    kunnst, March/April 2014
    Anyone with a weakness for contemporary art or wanting to extend their collection with interesting new work should drop in to the Kölner Liste.
    Zeitkunst | March 2014
    The fair was amazing. We sold four great pieces. All of them by young collectors, so that we can be sure, that they are embedded in good and rising collections.
    Niki Feijen, Galerie Rembrandt Art, Eindhoven, Aussteller 2014
    The exhibition mood was fantastic. The relaxed atmosphere was very therapeutic for a fair marathon, and the sales paid off. Even on what is usually a difficult Thursday, made good sales.
    Gallery owner Bernhard Ailinger, Kunstraum Ailinger, Potsdam, 2014 exhibitor